AT&T has recently announced a new early upgrade program called Next Up Anytime. This program will be available starting July 16th and is priced at $10 per month, which is more expensive than AT&T’s existing $6 per month Next Up add-on. However, with Next Up Anytime, customers have the option to upgrade their smartphones as
The latest image from the upcoming WandaVision spin-off, Agatha All Along, showcases Agatha Harkness (Kathryn Hahn) surrounded by a group of fellow witches, all mysteriously trapped in Westview. Among the witches are characters such as Lilia, Jennifer, Sharon, and Alice, who are all classified as covenless witches. According to series creator Jac Schaeffer, these witches
The suspect involved in sending threats to Nintendo and causing chaos at the Nintendo Live event in Tokyo has finally admitted to the charges. The 27-year-old individual not only acknowledged his actions but also provided a shocking motive for his behavior. In a surprising twist, the suspect revealed that his threats and disruptive behavior were
The latest episode of the podcast hosted by the makers of Cyberpunk 2077 sheds light on the upcoming sequel to the popular game. In this podcast, Paweł Sasko, the Associate Game Director at CD Projekt RED, discusses some of the shortcomings he sees in the original game. He mentions that they “didn’t push the envelope
Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot recently confirmed in an interview that the company is currently working on multiple remakes of classic Assassin’s Creed games. Alongside these remakes, a range of new Assassin’s Creed adventures are also in development, with plans to increase the regularity of game releases. Guillemot emphasized the company’s focus on expanding the Assassin’s
Unistellar’s Envision binoculars are set to revolutionize the way we view the world around us. Unlike traditional binoculars that simply magnify distant objects, the Envision binoculars incorporate augmented reality technology to provide real-time information about what you’re looking at. With the ability to identify and label over a million unique landmarks and more than 200,000