A DIY Guide to Upgrading the Steam Deck to 32GB Memory

If bigger is better, then this is the finest Steam Deck around. Behold the 32GB Deck, a configuration that’s not officially available but has been made possible by some intrepid DIY skills. While retail Decks offer a fixed 16GB memory configuration, some users have taken it upon themselves to upgrade their Steam Deck to 32GB. In this article, we will explore the process of upgrading the Steam Deck’s memory and discuss the potential performance benefits.

In 2023, 16GB of memory can be a bit limiting, especially when it is shared across both the CPU and GPU as it is in the Steam Deck. While Valve’s Steam OS uses less memory than Microsoft’s Windows, the prospect of a 32GB Steam Deck is still intriguing. With more memory, games and applications can run smoother and handle more demanding tasks.

The DIY Process

One DIY enthusiast, Balázs Triszka from Budapest, Hungary, took on the challenge of upgrading his Steam Deck to 32GB of memory. Utilizing a soldering iron and double density memory chips, Triszka removed the existing memory devices and installed the upgraded chips. Additionally, the BIOS needed to be adjusted to enable the new memory capacity. While Triszka hasn’t reported any performance benefits yet, there is potential for certain games to benefit from more RAM.

The Complexity of the Mod

Implementing this mod is not for the faint of heart. It requires a certain level of technical skill and familiarity with soldering irons. For those who have never used a soldering iron before, attempting this upgrade may not be the best starting point. Furthermore, it’s worth noting that performing this mod may void the Steam Deck’s warranty, so caution is advised.

While this DIY mod may not become widely popular due to its complexity and potential risks, it could inspire a niche community of enthusiasts to offer upgrade services. If the mod proves to provide significant performance gains, there might be scope for workshops or individuals to offer affordable upgrade packages. This could potentially make it a viable option for users to purchase a refurbished low-end Steam Deck and then upgrade it with additional memory, creating a high-value proposition.

The DIY upgrade to 32GB memory for the Steam Deck opens up new possibilities for users seeking enhanced performance. While there are risks involved and technical proficiency is required, the potential for smoother gameplay and the ability to handle more demanding tasks make this mod appealing. Whether it catches on as a widespread DIY trend or remains a niche endeavor, the DIY community continues to push the boundaries of what is possible with the Steam Deck.


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